6 curious effects of coffee on the body

Some people suffer from all sorts of unpleasant effects if they go a day without one (or several) coffee. At some point in our evolution, coffee became, more than a gastronomic pleasure, a faithful friend and a quasi-remedy. Are you sleepy? Drink coffee. Stressed out? Have coffee. Hungover? Coffee.

Some of its effects on our body are well proven – it is really addictive, for example. But others (and this includes both benefits and dangers) science brings and takes back as if it were playing with us. Certain research, for some reason, even contradict each other. Go figure.

But there is no denying that coffee is a powerful beast. Take one for yourself and take a look at this list, with some truths about what it is really capable of.

Coffee doesn’t make you more alert.

It is all an illusion. Scientists from the University of Bristol, England, say that if we make people make a habit of drinking coffee, we soon develop tolerance to the stimulating effect of caffeine. “But I drink coffee and I feel different. So what?”.

Well, according to the study, the energy flow that you feel is only a reflection of the symptoms of caffeine withdrawal symptoms (which causes, you see, fatigue) going away. In other words: you are in a bad way.

Coffee favors female performance. But it harms men’s.

Another study from the University of Bristol analyzed the performance of men and women in activities such as memory tests after giving them normal or decaffeinated coffee.

And found that, armed with caffeine in the bloodstream, women cope better with stressful situations and work better in groups. But men do not. For them, coffee slows down their reasoning speed and increases their aggressiveness.

Coffee makes you hallucinate.

Yes, it is cheap. But it’s probably not very cheap. Participants in a research from the University of Durham
Durham, in the United Kingdom, began to hear voices after drinking seven cups of coffee in one day. The scientists
suppose that the hallucinations are caused by the increase in the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, that excess
caffeine causes.

Coffee prevents bad breath.

Do you know that coffee breath you feel when your co-worker comes in to talk closer to you? It is not
nice. But in the long run, it can be worth it. An Israeli research, from Tel Aviv University, found that
certain elements in the composition of coffee block the development of bacteria responsible for bad breath. Now
They are now looking to isolate these components and produce chewing gums, lollipops and other things to prevent halitosis.

Coffee is good for the heart (but only for those who are used to drinking coffee).

If you drink too much coffee, your heart speeds up. Have you noticed? But this doesn’t mean that caffeine is necessarily bad for it, bad for your heart. In fact, if you are not used to drinking coffee, you do. Studies from the universities of Washington and Harvard University, in the USA, say that those who drink less than one cup a day are four times more likely to have a heart attack when they decide to have a cup of coffee – usually within the first hour after drinking it.

This coincides with the results of another American research study, presented at the 50th Annual Conference of the
American Heart Association, in 2010, which indicates an 18% lower risk of heart problems in those who drink
four or more cups of coffee a day.

Coffee makes your life easier in the gym.

Drinking a cup of coffee before going to the gym, besides giving you extra energy, decreases the pain caused by the exercises and facilitates your search for the perfect body. This is what a study from the University of Illinois says. And, this time, it doesn’t. It does not matter if you have the habit of drinking coffee or not. According to the researchers, caffeine acts directly on parts of the and spinal cord involved in pain processing, whether you are a coffee junkie or not.

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